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Quality Assurance Framework

Quality Assurance Framework

The College is committed to maintain its academic standards and enhance the quality of its learning and teaching provisions.

The professionalism and dedication of Faculty and Administrative staff, individually and collectively, make a vital contribution to the enhancement of provision of quality assurance.

For students: the College is committed to provide a high quality learning experience and student satisfaction. Students feedback, advice and suggestions, are critical for all College quality assurance processes.

For staff: The quality and commitment of staff are very important to maintaining the high quality of services provided. The College continuously invests in staff development and satisfaction in order to improve practices in all areas of work to advance learning and teaching.

The College under the guidance of The Cyprus Agency of Quality Assurance and Accreditation in Higher Education adopts the standards and guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area ESG 2015.

The College has in place a set of procedures that examine and assure that quality is experienced consistently across all aspects of the College operations. These are shown below:

  1. Quality Assurance Committee
  2. Quality Assurance Handbook 
  3. Annual Programme Review
  4. Faculty Evaluation
  5. Lecturer Evaluation by the Dean
  6. Mid-term Student Feedback
  7. Lecturer and Course Evaluation by students
  8. Student Satisfaction Survey  
  9. Suggestion / Complaint Box
  10. Assessment of Administrative Staff performance
  11. Quality procedure for Faculty Members
  12. Faculty Pedagogical Training

Accreditation Procedure

Accreditation is the approval for the inclusion of an Institution or a Programme of Study in a list of accredited Institutions or accredited Programmes of Study as a result of an enactment, through which it is formally recognized that the Institution or Programme has met certain predetermined minimal criteria or standards.

The competent authority in the Republic of Cyprus for carrying out Programme evaluation and Accreditation of the Private Institutions of Higher Education is The Cyprus Agency of Quality Assurance and Accreditation in Higher Education.

Main Criteria regulating Evaluation-Accreditation Procedure in Cyprus:

  • Mission and objectives of the educational institution
  • Curriculum of the Programmes of Study
  • Faculty and Staff
  • Infrastructure and Resources (buildings, laboratories, equipment etc.)
  • Administration
  • Financial resources