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General Information

Mission statement

The mission of the College Library is to achieve excellence in the provision and promotion of information services, to meet the teaching and learning needs of students and staff and to enhance lifelong learning.

The College Library is committed to providing quality service and a comprehensive collection of materials to support the mission, vision, philosophy statement and goals of the College.

Library Rules

General Book Lending Rules

  • The library lends books only to registered CTL Students.
  • The maximum number of books that can be lent is 2.
  • The lending period for recommended/ short loan books is 2 days and for further reading books 10 days.
  • A penalty of €1 per day will be charged for delayed return of books.
  • All books have to be returned before the beginning of the examination period, so that all Students can have access to them.
  • All books need to be returned to the library before the Easter, Christmas or Summer Holidays.
  • Books must be returned in the same condition as when loaned.
  • Failure to return a book at the end of the semester will result in the student’s account being placed on hold.  The student will owe the price of a new copy of the book and may not be able to register or receive grades or transcripts until books and/or payments have been received.  

Loss or destruction

Students have to inform the Librarian immediately if any material borrowed from the Library has been lost or damaged.  If any books or other material borrowed from the Library have been lost or damaged, the borrower has to pay the cost of replacing them (this includes postages). The book is returned back if it is found. 

Library Rules Concerning Books 

  • It is not allowed to write in Library books or remove any pages from them.
  • If a returned book is damaged, the borrower is obliged to pay for its full value. 

Rules of behaviour in the Library

  • No food or drink is allowed in the library.
  • No bags are allowed in the library.  They must be left on a designated table in full view of the Librarian.
  • Mobile phones and other electronic gadgets have to be in silent mode.
  • Students should be quiet during their stay in the library.

Electronic Guides


Library Hours

It is open 5 days a week, Monday to Friday from 08:30 – 18:00, during all semesters including the summer, and during Christmas and Easter holiday period.

Photocopying & Printing

Photocopying from books or printing out from electronic books is only allowed to some extent. Students are expected to inquire about the rules at the Librarian’s desk.

Copyright Laws 1976 to 1993 (Law No. 59 of December 3, 1976, as amended by Law No. 18(I), 1993)


E- mail:

Tel: +357 25736501
Fax: +357 25736629