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Digital economy in Cyprus has a long way to go

Digital economy in Cyprus has a long way to go

Our Lecturer and Head of the Business Field...
Makerspaces in Digital Youthwork

Makerspaces in Digital Youthwork

Mrs. Dora Konstantinou was selected by SNJ...
Symposium at Macromedia University of Applied Sciences

Symposium at Macromedia University of Applied Sciences

George Antoniades, a faculty member of CTL...
Euromed Academy of Business

Euromed Academy of Business

Ctl Eurocollege participated in the 12th annual conference...
ENRESSH Conference

ENRESSH Conference

Dr Georgios Afxentiou, Head of the CTL Eurocollege...
The Cypriot Consumers and online shopping

The Cypriot Consumers and online shopping

Read this interesting article about...
Scientific Conference in Riga-Latvia

Scientific Conference in Riga-Latvia

In April 2019 Ctl Eurocollege participated...
Academic Conference

Academic Conference

Georgios Afxentiou, Elena Malkawi and George Antoniades...
Οι νέοι αρνούνται το facebook

Οι νέοι αρνούνται το facebook

An interesting article about how teenagers...
International Conference in Podgorica, Montenegro

International Conference in Podgorica, Montenegro

Dr Georgios Afxentiou, Head of Research and Development Office...