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News & Events

Invitation to the Multiplier Event

We are pleased to invite you to the hybrid multiplier event organized by CTL Eurocollege for the Erasmus+ project, FuTour: Frameworks for Future Tourism. 

FuTour aims empowering the education providers of the tourism branch, raising the knowledge and the competencies of the learners of the field, also addressing their needs as well as increasing their employability opportunities in all 5 participating countries by equipping them with the latest updates, practices, methods as well as tools in order for them to safely develop their career path. 

Project partners: Gewerkstatt (Germany), Ctl Eurocollege (Cyprus), ASSERTED KNOWLEDGE (Greece), Zespol Szkol Morskich w Darlowie (Poland), CFPCEMON (Italy).

More info: 

Event Details:

Date: Monday, July 1st, 2024
Time: 9:30 AM
Location: Lab 1, CTL Eurocollege, Cyprus

The multiplier’s agenda:

9:30-9:35      Welcome note
9:35-9:40      Introduction to the project
9:40-9:55      Project’s result 1: Curriculum development
9:55-10:10    Project’s result 2: MOOC
10:10-10:15  Project’s result 3: The matchmaking platform
10:15-10:25  Reflection and Q/A
10:30             Closing

We believe your participation will greatly contribute to the success of this event and the advancement of our goals.